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Wednesday- 11/7/07 - UPDATE!  Hi Everyone...We are currently in Holbrook, AZ driving through the Painted Desert and the Petrified Forest. For the past 3-4 months, we have been traversing down the coast of Washington and Oregon and back up to Spokane, Washington where Rebecca and family have relocated. -Shirley
Wednesday, 11/7/07 - We crossed into New Mexico today at 12:05 p.m. Lester and I had always talked about stopping at a Denny's just for dessert, so when we got into Gallup, NM, we stopped for coffee and dessert and then headed on down the road. It's about 3:10 p.m. and will be heading into Albuquerque, NW in a little while. Lot of barren land around here. I'll take the ocean coast anytime. - Shirley
Wednesday, 11/14/07 - It's about 5 p.m. and we are about 100 miles from Memphis, TN. It's raining so we pulled over into a truck stop and thought we would wait until Memphis rush hour was about over before we attempted to go through there. We really have had a good time going through the Painted Desert, Petrified Forest and ending up in Berryville, Arkansas where Lester got to meet lots of his relatives as well as learn a little bit  about his family history. Lester's Uncle Ray and his wife Pat took us to the Fantastic Cavern in Springfield, Missouri. This cavern was huge. We are headed for Tallahassee, Florida to visit with my girlfriend, Leona, and will be there for at least 2-3 days. - Shirley
Wednesday, 11/28/07 - Hi's 7:30 a.m. and we are in a truck stop in Van Horn, Texas where we spent the night. We spent Thanksgiving with my nieces and nephews in Southport, Florida and left there Friday the 23rd of November headed for Houston, Texas where I met my 96-year young Aunt Rosemary whom I have never met. She is just as spry as they come. When I finish my coffee, we're headed for Mesquite, Nevada to visit my sister, Peggy, and pick up our mail that she has been gathering for us. She's quite the Keno player and racks up many points so she is able to comp us at the Oasis Casino in their RV park. We usually meet Peggy at the Virgin River Casino in the morning and go have their buffet breakfast (which she also comps) - And then we go gamble and play Keno. This is our routine every morning -- it's pretty tough. :) Well, Lester has started up the RV so I guess it's time to sign off. Love all of you! - Shirley

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