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Upstairs Renovation!          The Photo Gallery


This was the 4th property we looked at and was the one we decided (once again) we could renovate. The building and fence we knew we would have to take down. We really didn't know what the property looked like because everything was covered with snow. The stack of pallets had to be moved also.

There were little fence partitions everywhere. We learned this was a little farm at one time and you could sure tell it!


The pallets have been removed and Lester has taken down the front part of this fence.


The fencing around the building is coming down.

It was time for Lester to tackle the building.

Before we started...


We decided we would make this into a little greenhouse.

Where we're at working in the back yard as of  May 7, 2008.
Lester has rotor tilled the left part for our garden. We will have to fence around the garden because of the deer.


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